Create, Assign, and Explore Courses

Navigation: Manage > Learning

1. Under the Courses tab, click Create to create a new course.

2. Click Explore to view all the imported courses. Choose to enroll and assign a course from the explore page.Engagedly-Level-Up-Your-Work-Force_-_2022-07-19T174234.905.png

3. Click Go to LinkedIn to access all the courses offered by LinkedIn Learning.Engagedly-Level-Up-Your-Work-Force_-_2022-07-19T174839.775.png

4. Under the Library tab, click Assign and select Assign to members for assigning the course to employees.Engagedly-Level-Up-Your-Work-Force_-_2022-07-19T173351.353.png

Note: As a manager, you can assign courses to your direct reports and the members below them.