1. Click Import From Udemy.


2. Click on the dropdown menu and select Not Imported to view all the courses ready to import. You can also search for specific courses offered by Udemy using the search box.Engagedly-Level-Up-Your-Work-Force_-_2022-07-19T123707.895.png

3. Mark the required courses as selected and click Import. You can also import individual courses by clicking Import next to them.Engagedly-Level-Up-Your-Work-Force_-_2022-07-19T123933.405.png

4. In the confirmation box, check all the added courses and remove unnecessary courses, if needed. Click Import to complete the process. You can check all the imported courses under Authored by You and Library tab.Engagedly-Level-Up-Your-Work-Force_-_2022-07-19T124037.582.png