Notifications for Growth

Employees will receive email and Engagedly in-app notifications, ensuring they stay informed and engaged with their development plans. 

Email Notifications

IDP Kick-off Notification: All employees receive a kick-off notification when the IDP is enabled, providing essential details about the program's start and relevance to their professional development.

IDP Creation: An email notification will be sent to employees when IDPs are created for them, ensuring they are aware of the newly established development plan.

IDP Put On Hold: Employees will receive an email informing them that their IDP has been temporarily put on hold.  Additionally, the employee will also receive an email when the manager put their IDP on hold.

IDP Completion: Employees will be notified via email to acknowledge the completion of their IDP. 

Nudge Notification: Employees receive a nudge email notification when their managers or admins nudge them regarding their IDPs, serving as a gentle reminder to take action.

In-App Notifications

IDP Kick-off Notification: All employees will receive an in-app notification when the IDP is enabled in their organization, ensuring everyone stays informed about the program.

IDP Creation: Employees will receive an in-app notification when their IDP is created, informing them about the newly established IDP.

IDP Put On Hold: Employees will receive an in-app notification when their IDP is put on hold, ensuring they are promptly informed about this status change.

IDP Completion: Employees will receive an in-app notification once their IDPs are completed.

Nudge Notification: Employees will receive in-app notifications as gentle nudges for their IDPs, serving as reminders to keep them engaged and motivated in their development journey.