Add and manage meeting reflections

Any participant can add meeting reflections to provide insights, share ideas and observations, highlight key takeaways, and suggest improvements. This fosters a culture of continuous learning, promotes accountability, and enhances communication within the organization.

After a meeting, you can add meeting reflections and manage them if required. You can also set the visibility for your meeting reflections, controlling who can view them and ensuring that confidential information is only accessible to authorized participants.

Navigate to the Candy Candy box1 Box on the left pane and select Meetings.

Add meeting reflections

After a meeting, you can add meeting reflections.

  1. Click a meeting.
  2. Scroll down and type your insights in the Your Meeting Reflections field.

You can also click the Marissa AI Marissa 5@2x (2) Icon to generate meeting reflections based on the discussion points and notes.

  3.   Click outside the Your Meeting Reflections field to save it.

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Manage meeting reflections

You can manage meeting reflections that you create.

  1. Click a meeting.
  2. Click your insights in the Your Meeting Reflections field and edit as required.
  3. Click outside the Your Meeting Reflections field to save it.

Set visibility

After adding meeting reflections, you can set their visibility.

Click the drop-down at the top right and select Private to You or All Participants as required.

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