Add Courses to an Existing Milestone

You can add courses to the Growth IDP during the milestone creation or by editing the existing milestone. This flexible approach allows learners to select and incorporate courses that directly contribute to milestone achievement, ensuring an effective development plan.

To add courses to an existing milestone: 

Step 1: Navigate to Growth > My Development Plan.

Step 2: Click the IDP to view the added milestones.

1-May-17-2023-12-17-19-9153-PMStep 3: Click the Overflow Menu Overflow Menu-2 Icon next to the milestone and select Edit Milestone.

2-May-17-2023-12-17-19-5729-PMStep 4: From the Add Resources drop-down, select Courses or Learning Path.


Step 5: Select courses or learning paths and click Add.


Step 6: After adding the courses/learning path, click Update to save the changes.
