Comment on Employee's IDP

Commenting on an Individual Development Plan (IDP) allows admins to provide guidance to employees on their development goals. They can suggest changes to the plan and helping employees stay on track towards their development goals. Commenting on an IDP helps to ensure that the goals outlined in the plan are realistic and achievable, and provides an opportunity for ongoing support and coaching throughout the development process.

To add comments on IDP:

Step 1: Navigate to Admin > Growth > My Org.

Step 2: Select the employee from the users list.

Step 3: Click the Comment Master Component-49 Icon next to the IDP.

2-Apr-24-2023-06-44-12-5610-AMStep 4: Click the 1-Apr-12-2023-10-43-52-2560-AM Icon to add more participants to the conversation.

Step 5: Type your comment in the comment box and click the Post Master Component-37 Icon to post your comment.
