Explore and wishlist learning

Learners can explore the courses and learning paths available in the library and add them to their wishlist if they want to enroll at any time.

For Engagedly V1, navigate to Learning from the top.


For Engagedly V2, navigate to Apps on the left pane and select Learning.


  1. Click Explore at the top right.

Or, if you scroll down, you can find the Explore option at the bottom of the screen.

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You can filter learnings to explore them by type, author, skills, competency, tags, language, duration, rating, provider, level, and certification. You can also browse learnings and add them to your wishlist.

  2.   Click the Bookmark Bookmark button Icon on the learning you wish to add to your wishlist.

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You can also navigate within learning and click the Bookmark Bookmark button Icon at the top right to add it to your wishlist.

You can also browse the courses and learning paths on other platforms, such as Udemy, Engagedly Academy, and LinkedIn Learning if your organization has integrated with them. You can enroll in any course on the integrated application, which will reflect on the Engagedly platform.

Note: If the employees enroll before the integration with LinkedIn Learning and Engagedly, the system will not automatically populate the enrolled courses into the Engagedly platform.

The added learnings are available in your Wishlist in the My Learning tab.

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After adding learning to the wishlist, you can self-enroll in it.