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Home Page Feedback Widget

The feedback widget provides you with a comprehensive view of all the feedback you have shared, received, and requested.

Under the Feedback widget, you can view and access the following:

Navigate to Home > Overview and scroll down to the Feedback widget.

You can filter the Feedback widget based on the feedback and request types. Also, you can search for specific names or feedback.

  • Click the Filter Master Component-18-1 Icon to filter the feedback widget.

Request Feedback

You can request feedback about yourself or any other user in the organization.

Open Outgoing Requests

Open outgoing requests represent the number of feedback requests that are currently pending. 

  • Click the open outgoing requests.
  • You can notify users to respond to your feedback request.
    • Click Notify All to notify all the users OR click Notify on any feedback to notify the specific user.
  • You can edit or delete the feedback request.
    • Click the Overflow Menu Master Component-12-4 Icon to edit or delete the feedback request.

All Feedback

In the "All" section, you can view all the feedback shared about you and the feedback shared about others.

  • Click any feedback to add your comment.

Feedback Shared About You

Under the "About You" section, you can view feedback shared only about you. 

  • Click any feedback to add your comment.

Feedback Shared About Others

In the "About Others" section, you can view all the feedback you have shared about others.

  • You can edit or delete the feedback.
    • Click the Overflow Menu Master Component-12-4 Icon to edit or delete the feedback.