Glossary in Rewards

A list of specific terms and their definitions used in Rewards.

Discretionary badges: They are custom badges awarded to employees at the discretion of management.

Activity badges: The predefined badges associated with specific events.

Gamification rules: A predefined set of rules consisting of system points.

System points: The predefined points associated with specific events or tasks.

Leaderboard: Ranks the employees based on the points they receive.

Member average: The average number of points employees receive, which is calculated by the formula: Member average is the number of points received divided by the total number of team members.

Manager’s team:

  • My Team: Manager’s direct reports.
  • Secondary Team: Employees collaborate with secondary managers besides their reporting manager.
  • Entire team: It includes both My Team and the Secondary Team.

Rewarder-Employee: An employee who awards points to others.

Recipient-Employee: An employee who receives points from others.