Glossary of terms

Engagedly offers you a comprehensive list of specific terms and their definitions, ensuring clear explanations of the terminologies used in 360 Feedback.

The terms include:

360 Feedback Cycle: An organization conducts a 360 Feedback Cycle to comprehensively assess its employees' performance and receive feedback from multiple perspectives. This cycle encompasses feedback collection, self-assessment, peer reviews, and development planning over a specific timeframe.

360 Feedback Template: The 360 Feedback Template is the questionnaire employed to gather input and insights on an employee's performance from various sources.

Respondents: They are reviewers who provide feedback.

Reviewees: They are employees about whom the respondents provide feedback.

Cycle Start Date: The cycle start date is when a feedback cycle begins.

360 Feedback Period: It is the timeframe during which the HR/admin collects feedback about the employees.

Visibility Threshold: The visibility threshold is the minimum responses required to view the 360 Feedback report. HR/admins have to set the Visibility Threshold while creating the cycle. It prevents HR/admins, managers, and employees from identifying respondents through their responses, ensuring confidentiality and fairness while maintaining anonymity and integrity for all participants.

Skip-level Manager: The skip-level manager is above the reporting manager within the organizational hierarchy.

Finalize Nomination: The HR/admins or managers can finalize the employees’ reviewers' nominations.

External Respondent: They are not employees of your organization. They can be stakeholders, clients, customers, or members. Their feedback is valuable for organizations to gain insights, evaluate performance, and make informed decisions.

Numeric Rating: It is used to rate employee performance using numbers.

Verbal Rating: It is used to rate employee performance using shortcodes like NA (Not Adequate), BE (Below Expectation), ME (Meets Expectation), and EE (Exceeds Expectation).

Revoke Review: The HR/admins can revoke the employees’ review, allowing them to edit and resubmit it again.

Lock a Cycle: Admins can manually lock the feedback cycle after all participants have completed the review process. Once the cycle is locked, it removes pending actions and prevents further submissions.

Overall Status: The available overall statuses in the review process are

  • Not Started: The reviewee and/or reviewer have not started the review.
  • On Going:
    • The reviewee started self-review but has not submitted.
    • The reviewee has submitted self-review, but the respondent's review is pending.
  • Completed: The employee, manager, skip level reviewer (if involved), and respondents complete their review. If participants want to modify their submissions, they can request the HR/admins to revoke their review. The status then changes from Completed to On Going.
  • Locked: The feedback cycle gets auto-locked after the cycle end date or when the HR/admins lock the feedback cycle.

    Manager’s Team:

    • My Team: Manager’s direct reports.
    • Secondary Team: Employees collaborate with secondary managers besides their reporting manager.
    • Entire team: It includes both My Team and the Secondary Team.
    • Potential Blindspot: When the All rating is less than 70% of the rating scale, and the difference between All and Self-rating is less than or equal to -1.
    • Hidden Strength: When the All rating is greater than or equal to 70 % of the rating scale and the difference between All and Self-rating is greater than or equal to 1.

    For example, consider a 5-point rating scale:

      • 70% of this scale would be a rating of 3.5
      • If your self-rating is 4, higher than the average rating of 3 that others gave you, creating a difference of -1, it indicates a potential blind spot.
      • If others gave you an average rating of 4, and you self-rated a 3, creating a difference of 1, it indicates a hidden strength.