Glossary in Feedback

A list of specific terms and their definitions used in the Feedback module.

  • Feedback categories: Feedback categories are classifications used to organize feedback into specific areas.
  • SBI framework: It is used to provide different types of feedback.
    • Situation: Describes the specific situation under which the behavior occurred.
    • Behavior: Describes the observed behavior of the employee.
    • Impact: Indicates the outcomes of the behavior.
  • Member average: This is the ratio of feedback received to the total number of members, indicating average feedback per member.
    It is calculated by
    Member average =  Average feedback received out of the total members.
  • Response rate: It shows the average number of employees who have responded to feedback requests.
    It is calculated by
    Response rate = No. of responded feedback requests/Total no. of feedback requested X 100.
  • Incoming feedback: Feedback received from others.
  • Outgoing feedback: Feedback that employees share about others.
  • Incoming requests: Feedback requests received by others.
  • Outgoing requests: Feedback that the employees requested from others.
  • Request: Request feedback about self and others.
  • Share: Share feedback about others.
  • Anonymous: The feedback provider's identity remains anonymous.
  • Pin: A pinned post appears at the top of the Social Feed.
  • Sort feedback: 
    • All: The feedback you have received from others and shared about others.
    • You: The feedback you have received from others.
    • Others: The feedback you have shared about others.
  • Tags: Tags are the keywords provided to the posts by the post creators.