Glossary in Performance

A list of specific terms and their definitions used in the Performance module.

  • Performance cycle: An organization conducts a performance cycle to evaluate its employees' performance. This cycle includes performance appraisal, feedback, goal setting, and development activities over a specific timeframe. It serves as a structured framework to effectively manage and elevate employee performance while ensuring that individual goals align with the organization’s goals.
  • Performance template: The performance template is the questionnaire used to evaluate the employees’ performance. Admins can create customizable templates to fit the organization's goals, values, and specific evaluation criteria.
  • Assignment date: The assignment date is when a performance review template is assigned to the employees.
  • Template share: Template share is when a performance review template is shared with the employees for self-review.
  • Cycle start: The cycle start date is when a performance review cycle begins.
  • Skip-level manager: The skip-level manager is above the reporting manager within the organizational hierarchy.
  • Delegate reviewer: Admins can delegate or allow managers to delegate the performance review to anyone in the organization to evaluate the employees’ performance.
  • Additional reviewer: If the employee is collaborating with multiple teams, the admins can add anyone in the organization as an additional reviewer to evaluate the employee’s performance. Additional reviewers can only comment on the employees’ performance.
  • Focal point review: Admins can conduct the performance review of the employees at any point. It is an admin-driven review cycle.
  • Hire date based review: Admins can conduct the performance review of the employees based on their hire dates or customize the number of days like 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, and 180 days. It is an automatic review process based on the employees’ hire date.
  • Work anniversary review: Admins can conduct the performance review of the employees based on their work anniversary. It is an automatic review process based on the employees’ hire date.
  • Numeric rating: It is used to rate the employees’ performance using numbers.
  • Verbal rating: It is used to rate the employees’ performance using shortcodes like NA (Not Adequate), BE (Below Expectation), ME (Meets Expectation), and EE (Exceeds Expectation).
  • Rollback employee review: The admins and/or managers can rollback the employees’ review, allowing them to edit their review and submit it again.
  • Rollback manager review: The admins can rollback the managers’ review, allowing them to edit their review and submit again.
  • Request resolution: The employees can request a resolution if they disagree with their manager’s ratings and comments.
  • Halt: The admins can halt the performance review cycle to pause it for any period. It is available only for automatic reviews, such as Hire Date Based Review and Work Anniversary Review.
  • 9-box rating scale: Admins can determine the employees’ performance by the 9-box rating scale. It is a performance assessment tool used to evaluate the employees’ performance and leadership potential. The grid consists of a 3X3 matrix representing employees’ performance on the x-axis and potential on the y-axis.
  • Sign-off: It is the final approval of the performance review. Based on the admin settings, different participants electronically sign the performance review after completing the employees' evaluation.
  • Assign: Admins can assign the template to the cycle. However, after assigning, the admin has to share the template.
  • Share: After assigning the template to the cycle, admins can share it with the employees.
  • Lock: The admins can manually lock the performance review cycle after completing the review process by all the participants.
  • Review notes: Admins can enable the review notes in the performance review cycle. The employees and managers can view the review notes section on the review form, where they can add comments and attachments if required.
  • Overall status: The available overall statuses in the review process are
    • Not Started: The employee has not started self-review.
    • On Going: 
      • The employee started self-review, but has not submitted.
      • The employee has submitted the self-review, but the manager's and/or skip level reviewer's review is pending.
    • Completed: The employee, manager, skip level reviewer (if involved), and HR/admin completed their review. If any participants want to modify their submissions, they request the HR/admins to roll back their review. The status moves from Completed to On Going.
    • Locked: The admins lock the performance review cycle.
  • Employee status: In the Manage tab, admins can view the Employee Status as
    • Pending: The employee has not started self-review.
    • Rating: The rating appears when the employee submits their self-review.
  • Reviewer status: In the Manage tab, admins can view the Reviewer Status as
    • Waiting: The employee has not submitted their self-review. The reviewer is waiting to review.
    • Pending: The reviewer has not started the review.
    • Rating: The rating appears when the manager submits their review.
  • HR manager status: In the Manage tab, admins can view the HR Manager Status as
    • Waiting: The employee/manager has not submitted their review. The reviewer is waiting to review.
    • Pending: The HR manager has not started the review.
    • Completed: The HR manager has completed the review.
  • Manager’s team:
    • My Team: The employees directly report to the manager (manager’s direct reports).
    • Secondary Team: It consists of employees for whom HR assigns a secondary manager, besides their reporting manager, in their profiles.
    • Entire team:  It includes both the employees who directly report to the manager and those who report to the manager's direct reports (manager's direct reports and those who are reporting to the direct reports).
  • Calibration: Calibration in performance is adjusting or standardizing the performance ratings. The managers review their direct reports, and the HR/admins collaborate with managers and calibrate the performance ratings given by the managers.
    • Reviewer rating: It is the manager's rating on the employee's performance.
    • Calibrated rating: The HR/admins calibrate the rating after they discuss the employee's performance with the managers to justify their rating.
    • Final rating: If the HR/admins calibrate the manager’s rating, the calibrated rating will be the final rating. If the HR/admins agree with the manager’s rating, the manager’s rating will be the final rating.