Glossary in Surveys

A list of specific terms and their definitions used in the Surveys module.

  • Survey manager: Admins can give access to any employee within the organization by assigning them the survey manager role and allowing them to create and manage surveys.
  • Respondents: Employees or any individuals who respond to the survey.
  • Author: The one who creates a survey is an author who can manage the survey and respondents.
  • Co-author: The author can make admins and survey managers as co-authors, allowing them the same abilities as an author.
  • Authored by you: The user is an author or co-author of the survey and can perform all the author's actions.
  • Authored by others: The user is not an author and can only view the survey created by others. They cannot perform all the author’s actions.
  • Push to template library: The author can push the template to the template library and make it available to admins and survey managers.
  • Assignment: The author can share a survey in the form of assignments.
  • Recurrence: The author can schedule the assignments to recur at regular intervals.
  • Question type: The author can create various question types in a survey to collect responses from the respondents. These question types are designed to capture specific data and serve different purposes. It includes:
    • Multiple choice: Allow respondents to select single or multiple options.
    • Rating scale: Allow respondents to rate their opinions on a scale of one to five.
    • Employee net promoter score (eNPS): eNPS measures employee satisfaction and engagement by categorizing responses into three groups: detractors (0-6), passives (7-8), and promoters (9-10).
    • Text: Allow respondents to provide open-ended responses with text input.
    • Matrix: Allow respondents to select an answer for each row inside a question grid.
    • Date/Time: Allow respondents to provide date and time information.