Glossary in Team Pulse

A list of specific terms and their definitions used in the Team Pulse module.

  • Start Date of Team Pulse: It is the date when Team Pulse is launched within the organization.
  • Start Date of Question: It is the date from when the question is sent to the employees based on the frequency set for the question.
  • Response: Employees respond to the questions.
  • Submit Review: Manager's review to their teams’ responses.
  • Mark as Reviewed: Anyone above the employees ’ hierarchy, except the primary manager, can mark their responses as reviewed.
  • Comment: To initiate a conversation, the user can add comment(s) on any response.
  • Team Questions: The questions added by admin for employees to respond and managers to review.
  • Private Questions: The questions only the admins can add to Team Pulse and view the employees’ responses. If required, the admins can also make them anonymous.
  • Manager Questions: The questions added by managers for their respective teams and view their responses.
  • Pin Questions: Pinned questions skip randomization and are sent to the employees each time when the frequency is applicable.
  • Active Question: The questions in the question pool that are sent to the employees based on the set frequency.
  • Inactive Question: If the questions are paused, the employees do not receive them until the admins resume them.
  • Team Pulse Audience: The employees are added as respondents to the Weekly Pulse.
  • Manager’s Team:

    • My Team: The employees directly report to the manager (manager’s direct reports).
    • Secondary Team: The employees who report to the direct reports of the manager.
    • Entire team: It includes both the employees who directly report to the manager and those who report to the manager's direct reports.
  • Audit Log: All admins' activities in Team Pulse can be tracked in the Audit Log.
  • Question Library: It includes Engagedly Library and Org Library.
    • Engagedly Library: It includes scientifically curated questions recommended by Engagedly to help organizations quickly launch Team Pulse.
    • Org Library: It includes the organization-specific questions picked from the Engagedly Library and/or created by the admin and managers.
  • Response History: Track the employees’ responses over time to identify trends or patterns in the data.
  • Employee Submission Status:
    • Yet to Submit: When Team Pulse is assigned and the employees are yet to submit their responses.
    • Submission Missed: When the employees do not submit their responses before the due date.
  • Manager Review Status:
    • Review Pending: When managers do not review their teams' responses and the manager review period is not over.
    • Review Missed: When managers do not review their teams' responses before the due date.
    • Reviewed: When managers review their teams' responses on or before the due date.
  • Response Rate: The number of times the employees submit Team Pulse, out of the total number of times it is assigned to them.
  • Review Rate: The number of times the managers review their teams’ responses, out of the total number of times their teams submit the Weekly Pulse.