Generate an API token in Atlassian (Jira and Confluence)

An API token in Atlassian is a unique identifier used to authenticate access to the Atlassian API. The API token in Atlassian is a secure and convenient way to authenticate access to Atlassian APIs without sharing your password.

Any employee can create their individual API tokens in Atlassian, allowing them to connect Jira with Engagedly.

Navigate to your Jira account.

  1. Click your profile picture at the top right and select Account settings.

Generate API in Jira1a

  2.   Navigate to the Security tab, and in the API tokens field, click Create and manage API tokens.

Generate API in Jira1

  3.   Click Create API token, type the label as required, and click Create.

Generate API in Jira3-1

You can copy the API token and paste it on the Engagedly platform while integrating Jira with Engagedly.