Manage All Check-Ins Related to my Secondary Team

Navigation: Home > Check-Ins > My Check-Ins

  1. Select My Secondary Team from the top right dropdown.
  2. Click Launched by You to manage all check-ins launched by you.
  3. Select a check-in from the left panel to view the details on the right panel.
  4. Perform different actions on the check-ins.
  5. Click Launched by Team to manage all check-ins launched by your team.
  6. Select a check-in from the left panel to view the details on the right panel.
  7. Perform different actions on the check-ins.
  8. Click Requested to You to manage all check-ins requested from you by others.
  9. Select a check-in from the left panel to view the details on the right panel.
  10. Perform different actions on the check-ins.