Integrate Mentoring Complete with Engagedly

Mentoring Complete integrates seamlessly with Engagedly allowing your team to coordinate performance and goals that empower employees to reach their highest potential. This dynamic duo strengthens the impact of the E3 framework by delivering and creating measurable results that drive business success.

After logging in, the admin can see the Mentoring Complete Icon at the top of the Engagedly platform.

1-Apr-11-2023-04-00-36-9481-PMWhen you click the Mentoring Complete image-png-Apr-11-2023-09-48-05-1756-AM  Icon, a pop-up appears with Start A Free Trial and Talk to Account Manager options.

2-Apr-11-2023-04-00-39-9198-PMClick Learn More to understand how Mentoring Complete integrates with Engagedly and adds value to your organization before taking a free trial or talking to the account manager.


Talk to the Account Manager

If you click Talk to Account Manager, a toast message appears that you have expressed interest in talking to the account manager. It notifies the account manager to contact you.


Start A Free Trial

If you click Start A Free Trial, the “Client Details” window opens. Fill necessary details and click the terms of service to read the terms and conditions and click Submit.

5-3Your trial account has been created successfully.

Once the account is created, you can click Get started to log in to Mentoring Complete.

Note: The duration of the trial period is 90 days.


Now, you land on the Mentoring Complete platform successfully. You can follow the onboarding checklist to understand the platform or skip the tutorial. You can access the tutorials anytime from the “My Account” section.

7-1By default, the program manager and the client admin roles are added to your account. You land in the program manager role.

8-1You must create a program to enable the modules on the left pane. You can use express or advanced setup to create a program. You have the default focus areas in the express setup. You can customize the focus areas in the advanced setup.

Note: Mentoring Complete provides the matching form, a tool to match mentees and mentors. The matching form consists of focus areas. In the matching form, the program manager can edit the default focus areas or add additional focus areas to match the participants appropriately based on the mentees and mentors requirements.

Create Program

To create a program using express setup:

Step 1: Click Create Using Express Setup.

9-1Step 2: Enter the Program Name.

Step 3: Enter the Program Type.

Step 4: Enter the Start and End Dates.

Note: Other program information gets automatically filled.

Step 5: Click SUBMIT.

10The program has been created successfully.

To create a program using advanced setup:

Step 1: Click Create Using Advanced Setup.

11-2Step 2: Enter the Program Name.

Step 3: Enter the Program Type.

Step 4: Enter the Start and End Dates.

Note: Other program information gets automatically filled.

Step 5: Click SUBMIT.

12The program has been created successfully.

Step 6: Click Tick  Icon to edit the focus areas.

13Step 7: Click Edit Icon to edit the focus areas and/or click + Add to add the additional focus areas.

Step 8: Click SUBMIT.14After creating a program, you can view the modules on the left pane.


Add Participants

After creating a program, you have to add the participants to the program.

Step 1: Click ParticipantsIcon on the left pane.

Step 2: Click + Add Engagedly Users.

16This automatically populates the Engagedly users to the Mentoring Complete platform.

Step 3: Select a role for the participant(s) you want to add to the program.

Step 4: Click Submit.

17Participant(s) added to the program successfully.


To Switch Between the Platforms

Once the account is created on the Mentoring Complete platform, you can switch between Engagedly and Mentoring Complete platforms.

Click Engagedly   Icon to switch to Engagedly from the Mentoring Complete platform.

19Click Mentoring Complete   Icon to switch to Mentoring Complete from the Engagedly platform.