Introduction to Coaching

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Why Coaching?

3. Who is the module intended for?

4. What are the suggested use cases?

5. What are the key features of the module?

6. How does it work?

7. How can one benefit from Coaching?

1. Introduction

Coaching involves managers or designated coaches offering guidance, support, and feedback to employees to enhance their performance, develop skills, and achieve professional goals. It focuses on individual growth and improvement within the employees’ roles and responsibilities.

During a performance management cycle, Coaching allows ongoing feedback and support to employees throughout the year. It enables employees to receive real-time feedback on their performance and actively participate in identifying ways to improve and succeed. The coach and the employee can schedule meetings to discuss tips and strategies for further improvement if required.

2. Why Coaching?

Coaching is crucial today, as there is a demand for continuous skill development, effective leadership, employee engagement, diversity and inclusion, adaptability, and well-being. It provides a structured approach for individuals to grow personally and professionally in a fast-paced and competitive workplace. It allows individuals to define goals, enhance self-awareness, and foster a culture of ongoing organizational learning and development.

3. Who is the module intended for?

Engagedly's Coaching module is intended for organizations and businesses of various sizes and industries. It tailors individuals seeking personal and professional development and leaders aiming to support their teams' growth and success.

4. What are the suggested use cases?

  • Goal setting and planning: Collaboratively set goals and action plans during coaching sessions to align individual objectives with organizational goals.
  • Progress review and feedback: Regularly review progress towards goals and exchange feedback to identify strengths, areas for improvement, and development opportunities.
  • Skill development and training: Utilize resources from the library to enhance skills, acquire new knowledge, and address developmental needs.
  • Performance evaluation and growth: Evaluate Coaching effectiveness and measure the impact on employee performance, engagement, and job satisfaction.

5. What are the key features of the module?

  • Structured Coaching process: Define coaching sessions, objectives, and action plans within the platform.
  • Feedback and support: Enable managers or designated coaches to provide timely feedback and support to employees.
  • Goal setting and progress tracking: Set and track individual goals, aligning them with organizational objectives.
  • Skill development: Identify skill gaps and develop personalized development plans for employees.
  • Performance improvement: Implement strategies to improve performance and address challenges effectively.

6. How does it work?

  1. Admins assign the coaches to the employees.
  2. Coaches can share tips with the employees based on their goals, key results, or requirements.
  3. Employees receive a notification when  coaches share tips. 
  4. Employees can acknowledge the tips or discuss them with coaches.
  5. Coaches receive a notification if employees acknowledge and add comments to the tips.
  6. Coaches can schedule meetings with the employees if required.

Note: Anyone can become a coach if the admins permit them. Learn more in Configure Coaching settings.

7. How can one benefit from Coaching?

Admins: Cultivate talent, increase employee engagement and retention, and achieve business objectives through a skilled and motivated workforce.

Managers: Support their team members' development, foster a culture of learning, and drive performance improvement.

Employees: Define goals, develop new skills, overcome challenges, and achieve personal and professional growth.

Discover the power of Engagedly's Coaching firsthand - schedule a demo today and unlock the full potential of your organization!