
Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Why Feedback?

3. Who is the module intended for?

4. What are the suggested use cases?

5. What are the key features of the module?

6. How does it work?

7. How can one benefit from Feedback?

8. Glimpse of the Product

1. Introduction

Feedback is a tool that identifies employee strengths and weaknesses for targeted coaching and development opportunities. It promotes transparent and supportive communication among employees to share insights, recognize achievements, and identify areas for improvement.

2. Why Feedback?

The Feedback module provides a structured framework for ongoing Feedback exchanges, promoting a culture of continuous learning and development. It empowers employees and managers to contribute actively to each other's success.

3. Who is the module intended for?

Engagedly's Feedback module is intended for organizations and businesses of various sizes and industries. It is designed to help employees, managers, and HR professionals enhance collaboration, productivity, and individual growth and value constructive Feedback and its impact on individual performance.

4. What are the suggested use cases?

  • Project Feedback: To gather feedback on specific projects or initiatives that help to identify what worked well, what could be improved, and any programs learned for future activities.
  • Training and Development: Employees can receive feedback on training programs they've attended, helping them understand how to apply new skills or knowledge in their roles.
  • Onboarding Process: Gather feedback from new hires about their onboarding experience. This can help identify areas where the onboarding process can be improved to support new employees' integration into the organization.
  • Culture Assessment: Gather employee feedback to assess organizational culture and identify areas for improvement.

5. What are the key features of the module?

  • Share and request Feedback from anyone in the organization.
  • Share anonymous Feedback.
  • Publicly Praise anyone in the organization for their work and contributions.
  • View and export the Feedback reports.
  • Earn reward points for sharing Feedback (if admin enables the Rewards module)

6. How does it work?

  1. HR/admin enables Share/Request Feedback and Praise feature.
  2. Employees share feedback or request Feedback from others.
  3. Employees receive notification to submit Feedback.
  4. HR/admins can nudge managers to nudge their employees to submit Feedback.
  5. HR/admins can view and export the Feedback reports.

7. How can one benefit from Feedback?

HR/Admins: Enhance employee engagement, facilitate continuous improvement, and foster a culture of feedback and recognition within the organization.

Managers: Make informed decisions, provide specific guidance, and promote continuous improvement within teams.

Employees: Receive valuable insights, celebrate achievements, and contribute to professional development.

8. Glimpse of the Product

Discover the power of Engagedly's Feedback firsthand - schedule a demo today and unlock the full potential of your organization!