Introduction to Team Pulse

Table of contents

1. Introduction

2. Why Team Pulse?

3. Who is the module intended for?

4. How does it complement the e10 Survey?

5. What can Team Pulse measure?

6. What are the suggested use cases?

7. What are the key features of the module?

8. How does it work?

9. How can one benefit from Team Pulse?

1. Introduction

Team Pulse utilizes a series of thought-provoking questions to help managers and leaders to gather real-time feedback and gain a better understanding of their employees. A recurring set of questions is sent to the employees on a set frequency to uncover insights, and the root causes of issues, allowing them to guide better, and make informed decisions.

2. Why Team Pulse?

Today’s workplace is ever-changing, and organizations need to stay in tune with their employees. That is why a listening tool becomes essential for an organization to receive real-time responses from their teams, identify any obstacles preventing progress, and take immediate actions.

3. Who is the module intended for?

Engagedly's Team Pulse is intended for organizations and businesses of various sizes and industries. It is designed to help managers and leaders gain valuable insights into employee engagement and sentiment within their teams. It can be used by HR professionals, managers, team leaders, and other stakeholders who are responsible for fostering a positive work environment and take data-driven decisions to enhance employee morale and productivity.

4. How does it complement the e10 Survey?

Engagedly's e10 Survey is a science-based questionnaire that helps organizations collect anonymous responses from their employees in a secure and unbiased manner. While Engagedly’s e10 allows organizations to measure employee engagement and identify areas of improvement, Team Pulse allows administrators to measure the real-time impact of ongoing engagement initiatives. Team Pulse can also serve as a tool to conduct other surveys, like eNPS. Learn more in Introduction to Engagement Survey.

5. What can Team Pulse measure?

Admins can tailor Team Pulse as per their organization's priorities and goals. Team Pulse is a feedback method that does not focus on specific content but rather targets specific topics or issues. They provide organizations with quick insights into their employees that help in decision-making and improve employee engagement.

Note: It is advisable to have consistency over a set period to track the responses over time and see how they change from one month or quarter to the next.

6. What are the suggested use cases?

  • Real-time engagement measurement: Team Pulse survey complements Engagedly’s e10 Survey by measuring the real-time impact of the organization’s engagement initiatives. Use the data to refine and enhance the ongoing initiatives.
  • Employee satisfaction tracking: Continuously monitor employee satisfaction within teams to identify areas that may need attention and improvement. This can help HR and leadership address issues proactively.
  • Team health and wellbeing: Assess the overall health and wellbeing of teams, including stress levels, workload, and work-life balance. This information can help identify and reduce potential burnout or wellness concerns.
  • Alignment with organizational values: Measure how teams align with the organization's values and culture. This can help ensure that teams work harmoniously with the organization’s mission and vision.
  • Change management: Use the "Team Pulse" module to gauge team sentiment and engagement during periods of organizational change, such as mergers, acquisitions, or major restructuring.
  • Leadership effectiveness: Assess the effectiveness of team leaders and managers in driving engagement within their teams. Ensure employee’s voices are heard, and help leaders navigate change effectively.
  • Frequent manager-employee connect: Foster regular communication between employees and managers to ensure high engagement.
  • Team-specific feedback: Enable teams to provide feedback on specific engagement initiatives or programs that affect them directly. This can help fine-tune these initiatives to better suit each team's unique needs.
  • Recognition and appreciation: Measure how well recognition and appreciation efforts are working within teams. Adjust recognition programs based on team feedback.
  • Diversity and inclusion: Use the module to gauge the inclusivity and diversity within teams and ensure that these principles are embraced at the team level.
  • Employee retention: Monitor team engagement to identify areas where improved engagement can lead to increased employee retention.

7. What are the key features of the module?

  • Respond directly from email, Slack or MS Teams.
  • Create recurring questions to track employee’s responses over time.
  • Capture employee’s sentiments to gauge employee satisfaction and  engagement.
  • Create private questions to restrict response visibility only to the admins.
  • Capture anonymous responses to encourage honest and unbiased feedback.
  • View Resource Center before reviewing employee responses.
  • Initiate a conversation on a response to discuss it further.
  • Award points for each Pulse submission.
  • Get valuable insights from reports and analytics.

8. How does it work?

  1. Admins select questions from a pool of curated questions or create custom questions and launch Team Pulse for the employees to respond.
  2. Admins may add Engagement Pulse driver questions from Engagedly’s Private Question Library. Their responses are visible only to admins and may be marked as anonymous for employees.
  3. Managers can add more questions for their respective teams.
  4. Employees respond to the questions every week.
  5. Managers review their teams' responses and comments for further discussion. They can also view overall team sentiment on the Team page.
  6. Admins can view the employees' responses and managers' reviews.

9. How can one benefit from Team Pulse?

Admins: Team Pulse provides continuous real-time engagement data, actionable insights, early warning indicators of disengagement, and the ability to run surveys like eNPS. It helps prevent attrition, drives a culture of feedback, and enhances employee engagement.

Managers: Team Pulse helps managers proactively identify problems, foster regular interactions, and provide insights into team sentiments, enabling informed decision-making.

Employees: Team Pulse empowers employees by providing a platform to voice their concerns, interact with managers, and feel valued and heard. It fosters engagement, satisfaction, and positive change.

Engagedly’s Team Pulse is a unique offering that combines the ability for HR leaders to pulse engagement questions anonymously and have manager team check-ins weekly.

Discover the power of Engagedly's Team Pulse firsthand, schedule a demo today and unlock the full potential of your organization!