Manage aligned Goal

After converting a Key Result into a Goal, employees can either align it with the parent Goal as a contributor or remove it as a contributor.

Remove an aligned Goal as a contributor

When an aligned Goal is removed as a contributor, the aligned Goal will no longer contribute to the achievement of the parent Goal, and all the progress towards the parent Goal will be lost.

Note: Admins can also remove an aligned individual Goal as a contributor from the Goals Directory.

Navigate to Home > Goals > My Goals > Owned by Me.

  • Select the Goal, click the Overflow Overflow Menu-Nov-20-2023-05-10-31-0841-AM Menu on any contributing Goal, select Remove as Contributor, and click Remove.align

Mark an aligned Goal as a contributor

Marking an aligned Goal as a contributor indicates that progress made on the Goal will contribute to achieving the parent Goal.

Note: Admins also mark an aligned goal as a contributor to an individual goal from the Goals Directory.

Navigate to Home > Goals > My Goals > Owned by Me.

  1. Select the Goal and click Aligned Goals.align2
  2. Click the Overflow Overflow Menu-Nov-20-2023-05-10-31-0841-AM Menu on any contributing Goal, and select Mark as Contributing.align1