Nudge employees and reviewers in performance

HR/admins can nudge the

  • Employees to submit their self-review.
  • Reviewers to submit reviews for their reviews.
  • Employees to sign-off.
  • Reviewers to sign-off.

Navigate to Performance > Cycles.

Note: You can also navigate to the Dashboard and follow the below steps to nudge.

Nudge employees

  1. Click MANAGE on the cycle in which you want to nudge the employees/managers.
  2. Click Employees Pending.
  3. Edit the subject and message if required, and click NUDGE.


Nudge reviewers

  2.   Follow step 1 and click Reviewers Pending.

  3.   Edit the subject and message if required, and click NUDGE.


Note: You can nudge the reviewer to sign-off only after the employee signs-off the review.

You can also nudge skip-level reviewers, additional reviewers, and HR in the STATISTICS pop-up that appears after clicking Reviewers Pending.