Pin and unpin a post

Admins can pin a post to keep important information or announcements visible at the top of the social feed. This feature helps to direct everyone’s attention to a specific post, ensuring that more employees in the organization view it.

After pinning a post, you can unpin it if required.

Navigate to Home > Social.

Pin post

You can pin any post available in the Social module.

Click the Overflow Overflow Menu-4 Menu at the top right of the post and click Pin Post.


Unpin post

After pinning a post, you can unpin it, which removes it from the top of the social feed and returns it to its previous location.

Note: You can view the Unpin option only if you pin a post.

Click the Overflow Overflow Menu-Nov-20-2023-05-10-31-0841-AM Menu at the top right of the pinned post and click Unpin Post.
