Submit feedback on meeting

Any participant can submit their feedback on meetings and manage them if required. It helps to gather diverse perspectives, improve communication and collaboration, identify areas for improvement, and foster a culture of continuous enhancement within the organization.

Navigate to the Candy Candy box1 Box on the left pane and select Meetings.

Submit feedback

  1. Click a meeting.
  2. Click the stars on the top left and click Rate Now.

Submit feedback on meeting1

  3.   Rate the meeting, type the comments, and click Submit.

Manage feedback

After submitting the feedback, you can manage it if required.

  1. Click a meeting where you submitted feedback.
  2. Click the stars on the top left.
  3. Click the Overflow Overflow Menu-Nov-20-2023-05-10-31-0841-AM Menu on your feedback and select Edit review or Delete as required.

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