Udemy Integration Setup

Udemy integration allows admins and learning managers to browse and import content from Udemy to the Engagedly site. Learners can seamlessly browse and access Udemy courses from within Engagedly.


Prerequisites for using the Udemy integration:  

  • Access to Engagedly platform.

  • Contact Support to enable and add Udemy to the integration list.
  • Professional Udemy subscription.

  • The user must be on Udemy and Engagedly with the same Email ID.

Enable Udemy within Engagedly

Navigation: Settings > Integrations

1. Select Udemy from the list of integrations. 1-May-09-2023-09-47-32-6613-AM

2. Under the "General" section, click the toggle button to Enable Connection and click Save.2-May-09-2023-09-47-32-3983-AM

Setting up Engagedly Integration within Udemy

Before setting up the integration in Engagedly, you must obtain the Account NameAccount IDClient ID, and Client Secret from Udemy. As an administrator, navigate to the Udemy Learning admin interface.

Navigation: Udemy Learning > Manage > Settings

1. Copy the Domain name from Customize appearance page and paste it under Account Name in Engagedly.3-May-09-2023-09-50-44-0657-AM


2. Click API from the left panel under Settings and click API documentation under Reporting API or Courses API.5-May-09-2023-09-54-21-7704-AM

3. Copy the Account ID under Your API Client and Your Account Id.6-May-09-2023-09-56-25-7842-AM

4. Click the LMS/LXP integrations from the left panel under Settings on the Udemy setting page. Copy the Client ID and Client Secret.image (5)

Setting up the Udemy Integration in Engagedly

Navigation: Settings > Integrations.

1. Select Udemy from the list.14-May-10-2023-03-33-59-7274-AM
2. Click Add next to "Udemy Credentials."8.1 
3. Enter the copied Account Name, Account ID, Client ID, and Client secret from Udemy, and click Save.15-May-10-2023-03-37-21-7496-AM

4. After the setting is saved, a toaster message confirms that the credentials have been successfully added and the course sync process has started and may take some time to sync all the courses to Engagedly.

5. Under OAUTH2 Provider Details, click Add.9-May-09-2023-10-38-01-2291-AM

6. Enter an application name under Add Application and click Save.10-May-09-2023-10-04-42-8726-AM

7. Next, navigate to Udemy Learning > Manage > Settings as an admin.


8. Click the LMS/LXP integrations from the left panel under Settings on the Udemy interface.

9. Click Edit Integration.13-May-09-2023-11-24-27-1384-AM

10. Copy the OAuth Server URLTenant Server URLClient Key, and Secret Key from Engagedly and paste them under respective fields on LMS/LXP integrations page in Udemy and click Save.11-May-09-2023-11-23-13-6716-AM


11. This completes the integration between Engagedly and Udemy.

Note: The learner's email Id must match the organization's email Id.