View dashboard and export team members feedback reports

Managers can view the dashboard, which provides comprehensive statistical data on their team members.

Note: The dashboard is visible only if the admin enables the permission.

Navigate to Feedback > Dashboard.

Click the My Team drop-down and select a team as required.

 In the FEEDBACK field, you can view the number of team members who have:

  • Not received feedback
  • Not requested feedback
  • Received praise

View dashboard and export team members feedback data1

On the dashboard, you can view the feedback data within the organization for the following fields:

  • Feedback requests
  • Feedback shared
  • Top categories
  • Praises received

You can filter the duration in each field to view the data as required.

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Hover over the graph in any of the above fields.

This will redirect you to its respective page, where you can manage the columns and export the report.

Click the Overflow Overflow Menu-Nov-20-2023-05-10-31-0841-AM Menu at the top right and select Manage Columns or Export as required.

All active employee fields are available in Manage Columns. However, only the selected fields in the Manage Columns are visible in the table view. You can manage the columns as required. Only the selected fields in Manage Columns are exported.

You can also export the feedback and request reports from their respective tabs.

Learn more in View and export feedback and request reports of team members.