- Help Center
- Real-time Feedback
- Employee
View feedback requests
Employees can view their feedback requests and pending actions in the overview.
In the Overview tab, you can view the following:
- Feedback requests if you have requested
- Pending actions if someone has requested your feedback.
- Feedback shared about you by any employee.
- Feedback you have shared about any employee.
- Feedback shared by others in response to your request.
Note: Feedback visibility depends on the admin settings and the feedback providers.
Navigate to Feedback > Overview.
In the outgoing feedback requests, you can manage your requests and notify employees to respond to your requests.
Click open outgoing requests, click the Overflow Menu, and select Edit or Delete as required.
Click NOTIFY to remind the employees to respond to your requests.
In the PENDING ACTIONS field, click RESPOND to respond to the feedback or the Overflow Menu and select Ignore to ignore it.
In the FEEDBACK field, click the Filter Icon on the right and search the feedback based on the following aspects:
- Feedback provider name
- Feedback name
- Feedback type
- Incoming and outgoing feedback
You can manage the feedback you have shared.
Click the Overflow Menu and select Edit, Delete, or Add to Meeting as required.
Note: You cannot edit or delete feedback that others have shared.
You can comment on any feedback and manage your comments if required.
Click any feedback, type your comments, and click ADD.
In the overview, you can share and request feedback and praise employees within the organization. Learn more in Share, request, and manage feedback.