What has Changed in The Goals?

Engagedly's Goals enables you to easily set, track, update, discuss, and achieve your goals and objectives. For better goals management and to produce even better results, the Goals module has undergone changes as mentioned below:

  • All contributing goals of the parent goal have equal weightage.
  • Categories are replaced with Tags for better searchability.
  • Users can achieve Key Results behaviors through milestones of the goals.
  • The goal owner/assigner can invite people for discussions.
  • Users can assign goals to the drafts page.
  • You can control the Visibility on the Goal level apart from settings from the Admin side.

The following are updated/new features in Goals:  

  • Creating multiple goals at a time: You can create multiple goals and milestones to keep track of the progress and achieve the set objectives.
  • Addition of Add Notes/To-do's and Drafts: You can add notes, to-do's, and attachments to your goal to segment your goals into achievable activities and accomplish larger goals by breaking them into smaller parts. Drafts include goals you have saved, but it's not ready to be published yet. 
  • Can invite people for a discussion on a goal: Goals module allows you to discuss your goal with many users simultaneously. You are more likely to meet your goals if you discuss them with someone else whose opinions matter to you. 
  • Mentioning a user while commenting on a goal: You can mention a user while commenting on a goal and invite them to join the discussion.
  • Viewing insights in my team goals tab: You can view insights in my team goals tab and get an overview of what's happening in your team, identify your team's goal status, derive results, and make informed decisions.
  • Adding checkbox measurement type: Checkbox measurement type helps you measure goals by allowing you to mark the goal as completed once it's achieved.
  • Addition of all activities filter: You can use the all activities filter to view data linked to a particular goal.
  • Progress graph on the goals detail page: With the progress graph, you can view and evaluate the average progress of all your goals, clear expectations, and implement strategies for success.
  • Goal visibility and On-Hold status of a goal: Set the default goal visibility for all the users in the organization. By default, your entire reporting hierarchy can view a goal created by you. You may add or remove others from the list except for the reporting hierarchy. The On-Hold status of a goal means the status of the particular goal is halted for a period of time.
  • Check-in health widget, tag cloud widget in the admin dashboard: The Check-in Health widget gives an overview of the updates made on the goals, and the Tag Cloud widget display all the tags used in the goals.