Assign and manage templates

Assign Templates

HR/admins can assign different templates to reviewees only after adding them to the cycle.

Note: You can assign and manage templates only if you select Assign different templates amongst the selected employees while creating a 360 Feedback Cycle.

Navigate to Admin > 360 Feedback > RECENT CYCLES.

Select the cycle you want to assign templates to the reviewees.

Note: You can view previously added templates for other 360 Feedback cycles (if any) in the current cycle to make assigning templates easier.

  1. Click SELECT FROM TEMPLATE LIBRARY and select the templates from the list.
    Click CREATE NEW TEMPLATE to Create a 360 Feedback Template.
    assign templates
  2. Click ASSIGN REVIEWEES, select the reviewees, and click ASSIGN.
  3. Click the Overflow Overflow Menu-Nov-20-2023-05-10-31-0841-AM Menu on the selected template to Preview, Edit, and Remove the template.
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Manage Templates

After assigning the templates to the reviewees, you can

  • Add more reviewees to the templates.
  • Unassign reviewees from the templates.
  • Remove all assignments from the templates.

Note: Removing all assignments will unassign the templates for all the reviewees associated with that template.

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Unassign Templates

You can unassign the template for the reviewees.

Note: If you unassign the template, the feedback progress of the cycle for the reviewees gets deleted.

  1. Select the template, click the MANAGE drop-down, and select Select & Unassign
  2. Select the reviewees and click UNASSIGN.