Configure rewards settings

Admins can configure the settings and manage the following features in Rewards:


Badges are digital awards given to employees for their achievements or milestones. Admins award badges to motivate employees, foster engagement, create a positive work culture, and streamline the reward process.

There are two types of badges: System and Discretionary.


System badges are automatically generated during specific events or when employees achieve certain tasks.

You can define the criteria for earning system badges, aligning them with the organizational objectives. Once an employee achieves the required task or meets the specified criteria, the system automatically awards them the corresponding system badge. You can add and manage system badges with various levels.

Learn more in Add and manage system badges.


Discretionary badges are custom badges that are created to align with organizational objectives.

You can add and manage discretionary points, badges, or both. You can add and manage level points and set the point limits for the organization as required. Learn more in Add and manage discretionary badges.

Manage redemption

You can set a minimum threshold for points redemption. Employees can redeem points only if they meet or exceed this threshold.

Navigate to Settings > Rewards > Manage Redemption.

Click EDIT at the top right, set the points, and click SAVE.

You can add funds to fulfill the employees' redemption requests.

Click +ADD FUND, fill in the necessary details, and click ADD CARD.

You must add location and currency for the points redemption, offering rewards that are relevant and accessible to employees in different regions, providing them with unique preferences and needs.

  1. Click Add Location, search and select the location, and enter the points to convert them into the respective location currency.
  2. Search and select the organization locations and click ADD.

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Custom rewards

You can add custom rewards and award them to the employees.

Navigate to Settings > Rewards > Custom Rewards.

  1. Click ADD CUSTOM REWARD at the top right and type the reward title.
  2. Type the description and upload an image to the Reward if required.
  3. Set the reward points required for redemption and type the quantity.
  4. Select the locations where rewards are available and click ADD.

Note: The custom reward is initially disabled when added. You can enable it to make it available for the employees to redeem.

On each custom reward, click the Overflow Overflow Menu-Nov-20-2023-05-10-31-0841-AM Menu to perform the following actions as required:

  • Edit: You can edit the custom reward details.
  • Product History: You can view and export the custom reward history.
  • Enable: You can disable or enable the custom rewards anytime.
  • Delete: You can delete the custom rewards.

Note: If you disable the custom rewards, employees cannot view them.

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You can search the custom rewards based on location and enabled and disabled status.

Fund history

You can view the list of funds transferred.

Navigate to Settings > Rewards > Fund History.

You can export the fund history for reference.

Click the Overflow Overflow Menu-Nov-20-2023-05-10-31-0841-AM Menu at the top right and select Export.

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You can manage the following features in settings:

  • Discretionary Badges: If enabled, employees can award points, badges, or both.
    • Enable Discretionary Points for all employees: If enabled, employees can award discretionary points and badges to anyone in the organization.

Note: If discretionary points are disabled for all employees, employees cannot award points to others. However, if employees are assigned certain Roles and Permissions, they can award points.

  • Activity Badges: If enabled, employees receive points after achieving specific tasks.
  • Points Redemption: If enabled, employees can redeem their award points.
  • Ranks & Leaderboard: If enabled, employees can view the leaderboard that displays the ranks and award points of all employees.

Navigate to Settings > Rewards > Settings.

Enable or disable the features as required and click SAVE.

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