Create learning path

A learning path is a sequence of activities designed to help employees acquire knowledge and skills. A learning path includes a series of courses that helps learners achieve their desired learning outcomes. Admins and learning managers can create a learning path and assign it to employees and groups. 

To create a learning path:

Step 1: Navigate to Admin > Learning > Learning Paths.

Step 2: Click Create Learning Path.

Step 3: Type the learning path name and description.

Step 4: Click +New Category Path to add the category to the learning path.

Step 5: Add tags to the learning path if required.

Step 6: Click Upload Image to add a cover photo to the learning path.

Step 7: Click Show Advanced Settings to add more details to the learning path.

Step 8: Add competencies and co-author for the learning path.

Step 9: Select the course language from the "Language" drop-down.

Step 10: Select the checkbox to make the employees complete the courses sequentially.

Step 11: Click Create to create the learning path.

After creating a learning path, admins and learning managers can add courses to the learning path.