User actions in LXP

Employees, managers, authors, and admins can perform different actions in the Learning Experience Platform (LXP).

Some actions are user-specific, and some are based on admin permissions.

Learn more in Overview of user management.


Employee (Learner)


Admin (if admin is an author or a co-author)

Create learnings

Assign learnings

Manage learnings

Import courses

Manage authors

Import learners

Remove learners

Track progress

Nudge learners

Evaluate learners

Export learners report

Automate learning

Enroll in learning

Explore learning

Add learning to the wishlist

Set course and learning path visibility


  • By default, the author and co-author can perform all the above actions.
  • The admin can assign the learning manager’s permission to any employees in the organization, allowing them to perform all the above actions.