Manage a Goal

Employees can manage Goals that they own and assign and perform the following actions:

Navigate to Home > Goals > My Goals > Owned by Me.

Manage as an employee

Edit a Goal

After creating a Goal, you can edit the Goal and its Key Results as required.

Navigate to Home > Goals > My Goals > Owned by Me.

  1. Select the Goal you want to edit, click the Overflow Menu at the top right, and select Edit.
  2. In the Edit Goal Details window, make the necessary changes and click Save.

edit goal

Lock or unlock a Goal

You can lock or unlock a Goal in the organization whenever required. However, you cannot change the Goal details if they are locked.

Note: You can only lock or unlock a Goal if you are the Goal assigner.

Navigate to Home > Goals > My Goals > Owned by Me.

Lock a Goal

  1. Select the Goal you want to lock, click the Overflow  Menu at the top right, and select Lock.

Unlock a Goal

  1. Click the Overflow  Menu at the top right and select Unlock.

Lock and unlock a Goal employee

Change the status of a Goal

Archiving a Goal will remove the Goal from the active Goal list. Changing the status does not impact the progress of the Goal. It can be activated at any time.

Navigate to Home > Goals > My Goals > Owned by Me.

Change the status to archive

  1. Select the Goal you want to make archive, click the Overflow  Menu at the top right, and select Archive.

Change the status to active

  1. Click the Active drop-down menu and select On Hold.change status of a goal active employee
  2. Click the Overflow  Menu and select Active.change status of a goal active employee1

Manage weights for the Key Results

Adding weights to Key Results ensures that each Key Result to the contributing Goal is given the appropriate attention and effort based on importance.

Note: You can only add weights if Key Results are added to the Goal.

Navigate to Home > Goals > My Goals > Owned by Me.

  1. Select the Goal, click the Overflow  Menu at the top right, and select Manage Weights.

Note: If the parent goal has Percentage as its measurement type, you can add weights to its key results. However, if the parent goal has Quantity or Milestone as its measurement type, the manage weights feature is not available.

  1. In the Manage Weights window, select Enable Weights and add the weights for each Key Result. 
    You can add the weight for one Key Result and click Distribute Remaining to equally distribute the remaining weights to other Key Results.
  2. Click Save.

Note: The total weight distribution must be equal to 100%.

Manage weights employee

Reorder Goals and/or Key Results

You can reorder Goals and/or Key Results of the parent Goal if required.

Navigate to Home > Goals > My Goals > Owned by Me.

  1. Select the Goal to reorder, click the Overflow Overflow Menu-Nov-20-2023-05-10-31-0841-AM Menu at the top right, and select Reorder Goals.
  2. In the Reorder Goals window, drag the Six Dots Group 6-2 Icon to reorder the Goals and/or Key results as required and click SAVE.


Change the owner and/or assigner of a Goal

You can reassign a Goal to other employees in the organization. 

Navigate to Home > Goals > My Goals > Owned by Me.

  1. Select the Goal to change the owner and assigner, click the Overflow  Menu at the top right, and select Change Owner.
  2. In the Change Owner / Assigner window, search and select the employee, and click Save.
change owner employee

View the hierarchy of a Goal

Viewing the Goals and Key Results hierarchy helps you understand how the Goals are aligned and contribute to other Goals in the organization.

Navigate to Home > Goals > My Goals > Owned by Me.

  1. Select the Goal you want to view the hierarchy, click the Overflow  Menu at the top right, and select View Hierarchy.
  2. In the Hierarchy window, you can view the aligned and contributing Goals.
view hierarchy employee

Request feedback about a Goal

You can request feedback about a Goal from other employees in the organization. Requesting feedback helps you identify areas where you need to improve and take necessary actions to achieve Goals.

Navigate to Home > Goals > My Goals > Owned by Me.

  1. Select the Goal you want to request feedback, click the Overflow  Menu at the top right, and select Request Feedback.
  2. In the REQUEST FEEDBACK window, search and select the user, type Your Request, select Feedback Categories, and click REQUEST.
request feedback employee

Clone a Goal

Cloning a Goal allows you to copy the Goal details and Key Results and edit them as required.

Navigate to Home > Goals > My Goals > Owned by Me.

    1.    Select the Goal you want to clone, click the Overflow  Menu at the top right, and select                      Clone.

    2.    In the Clone window, edit the Goal title if required and click the Drop-down menu to change                the owner.

Note: The cloned Goals can be assigned to the same or any other employee in the organization.

    3.    Click the Drop-down menu to set the Goal period and measurement type, and select Only                    the Goal.

Note: If you select Goal with Key Results, all the Key Results associated with the Goal will be cloned.

    4.    Click Clone.

clone employee

Delete a Goal

You can delete any Goals if they are not required.

Note: Deleting a Goal may impact the progress of dependent Goals, if any.

Navigate to Home > Goals > My Goals > Owned by Me.

  • Select the Goal you want to delete, click the Overflow  Menu at the top right, and select Delete.

Manage the Key Results

You can manage any Key Results that are owned and assigned by you and perform the following actions:

Navigate to Home > Goals > My Goals > Owned by Me.

managae key result employee

Edit a Key Result

You can edit the Key Result's titles, owners, start and end dates, and measurement types whenever required.

  1. Click the Overflow  Menu, and select Edit.
  2. In the Edit Key Result Details windows, make the necessary changes and click Save.

Change Owner/Assigner of a Key Result

If a Key Result requires collaboration between multiple employees, then the Key Result owner and assigner can reassign the Key Result to other employees to foster communication and collaboration.

  1. Click the Overflow  Menu, and select Change Owner.
  2. In the Change Owner / Assigner window, search and select the employee, and click Save.

View the hierarchy of a Key Result

Viewing the Key Results hierarchy helps you understand how the Key Results are aligned and contribute to the organization's Goals.

  1. Select the Key Result, click the Overflow  Menu, and select View Hierarchy.
  2. In the Hierarchy window, you can view the Key Results aligned with the parent Goal.

Convert a Key Result into a Goal

You can convert an existing Key Result into a Goal.

Note: You can convert a Key Result into a Goal only when the admin enables this feature.

  1. Click the Overflow  Menu, and select Convert to Goal & Cascade.
  2. Modify the Goal details, such as the Goal title, period, and measurement type, and click Save.

After converting a Key Result into a Goal, you can manage it by aligning it with the parent's Goal as a contributor or removing it. Learn more in Manage an aligned Goal.