Manage meeting

Meeting organizers can manage meetings by editing or deleting them anytime. They can edit a single event or the entire series in the recurring meeting.

Note: Editing a past meeting in the calendar does not reflect changes in the Meetings module. However, editing upcoming meetings in the calendar will reflect changes in the Meetings module.

Navigate to the Candy Candy box1 Box on the left pane and select Meetings.

  1. Click the Overflow Overflow Menu-Nov-20-2023-05-10-31-0841-AM Menu on the right side of a meeting.
  2. Select Edit Meeting or Delete as required.

Manage meetings1

Note: Editing the date, time, or recurrence of a particular meeting can delete discussion points and notes for upcoming meetings within the recurrence series.

You can also edit a meeting and delete it from the meeting details page.

  1. Click a meeting.
  2. Click the Overflow Overflow Menu-Nov-20-2023-05-10-31-0841-AM Menu on the right side of the meeting details.
  3. Select Edit Meeting or Delete as required.
Manage meetings2

After creating and managing meetings, you can nudge participants to add discussion points to it.