Manage respondents

While sharing the survey, the authors can add respondents. After sharing it, they can manage the respondents by adding or removing them.

Navigate to Surveys and click the Surveys tab.

  1. Select Authored by You from the drop-down.
  2. Click the survey where you want to manage the respondents.

Manage a Survey1

    3.    In the Assignments tab, click the Overflow Overflow Menu-Aug-10-2023-03-16-41-2641-PM Menu on the assignment for which you want to manage the respondents.

    4.    Select Respondents.

Manage respondents1

Add respondents

    5.    Follow steps 1, 2, 3, and 4.

    6.    Click ADD RESPONDENTS, select the employees, and click ASSIGN.

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Remove respondents

    5.    Follow steps 1, 2, 3, and 4.

    6.    Click ACTIONS and select Remove Respondents.

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    7.    Select the employees and click REMOVE.

You can manage the columns and export the respondents' list.

Click the Overflow Overflow Menu-Nov-20-2023-05-10-31-0841-AM Menu at the top right and select the option as required.

  • Manage Columns: All active employee fields are available in Manage Columns. However, only the selected fields in the Manage Columns are visible in the AG grid. You can manage the columns as required.
  • Export: You can export the employees' information. Only the selected fields in Manage Columns are exported.

After sharing the survey, you can nudge respondents if they have not submitted their responses. Learn more in Nudge respondents.