Nudge respondents

The authors can nudge the respondents to submit their responses. They can nudge individual respondents or nudge respondents in bulk.

Navigate to Surveys and click the Surveys tab.

  1. Select Authored by You from the drop-down.
  2. Click the survey in which you want to nudge the respondents.

Manage a Survey1

    3.    In the Assignments tab, click the Overflow Overflow Menu-Aug-10-2023-03-16-41-2641-PM Menu on the assignment for which you want to nudge the respondents.

    4.    Click Respondents.

Nudge individual respondents

    5.    Follow steps 1, 2, 3, and 4.

    6.    Click ACTIONS and select Nudge.

    7.    Select the respondents and click NUDGE.

    8.    Edit the nudge message if required and click NUDGE.


Nudge respondents in bulk

    5.    Follow steps 1, 2, 3, and 4.

    6.    Click the Bell Bell Grey-2 Icon to nudge the respondents in bulk.

    7.    Edit the nudge message if required and click NUDGE.
