Notifications in Engagement Survey

The employees (respondents), admins (authors), co-authors, and CXO receive in-app and email notifications when the following events occur in the Engagement Survey module.

Employees (Respondents)


Pending Actions on the Home Page

In-app Notification

Email Notification

On the start date of an engagement survey

 ✅  ✅

Before the due date of the engagement survey (if the admin sets a reminder)

 -  ✅  ✅ 

When an assignment is recurred

 ✅ ✅  ✅ 

When the admin nudges you to submit your response

 -   ✅ ✅ 

Note: The pending actions exist on the home page until the respondents submit their responses.

Admins (Authors)


Pending Actions on the Home Page

In-app Notification

Email Notification

When an assignment has recurred

 -  ✅

 When you receive analytics for the engagement survey

 -    ✅   ✅ 



Pending Actions on the Home Page

In-app Notification

Email Notification

 When the admin assigns you as an author or a co-author

 -  ✅



Pending Actions on the Home Page

In-app Notification

Email Notification

 When you receive analytics for the engagement survey

 -  ✅