Start an assigned learning

Learners can start taking learnings assigned to them or those they are enrolled in.

Navigate to Learning > Home.

In the My Learning tab, you can view the active learnings assigned to you or if you have enrolled in them.

Start the course1-2

In the Active field, select a learning and click Start.

Start the course2-1

You can view the learning information, including the description, contents, duration, author, and co-author.

Scroll down to view the detailed information about the learning.

You can take learnings at intervals as required.

If authors add a quiz unit to a course and allow learners to retake failed quizzes, you can request a reset for the failed quiz.

Click Request Attempt at the top of the failed quiz.

If authors include both quiz and survey units in a course and link quiz results and the survey to course completion, you must complete and submit your responses.


  • If the authors do not link the survey to course completion, you can skip it and mark it as complete.
  • You cannot edit your responses after submitting the survey, but you can view them in the survey unit within the course.
  • You cannot respond to the survey if you skip it and mark it as complete.

Once you complete each unit, you have to mark it as complete.

Note: You cannot mark the units as completed if the author enables manual evaluation.

If the author enables review, you can review the course after you complete it.