View and export employee review form

HR/admins can export the performance review form in PDF format.

You can also export the performance review reports for the active, halted, and archived cycles in Excel.

Navigate to Performance > Manage.

You can view and export the review form for individual or multiple employees.

Export review form for individual employee

  1. In the Process tab, click the View Form View Form Icon.

Export as PDF1

  2.   At the top right of the review form, click the Overflow Overflow Menu-Oct-11-2023-07-43-45-1628-AM Menu and select Export as PDF.

Export as PDF2

    3.    Select the paper size in the Letter Size drop-down and click EXPORT.

Export review form for multiple employees

  1. In the Process tab, click ACTIONS.
  2. Select Export as PDF and click SELECT.

Export as PDF3

  3.   Select the employees in bulk or individually as required, and click EXPORT.

Export as PDF4

  4.  Select the paper size in the Letter Size drop-down and click EXPORT.