Admin functionalities in mobile application

Table of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Team Pulse
  3. Growth
  4. Resources

1. Introduction

Engagedly’s mobile application offers a holistic experience, allowing you to perform frequent actions anytime. The mobile application is designed from an employee perspective. However, Engagedly provides you with specific functionalities within the modules, like Team Pulse, Growth, and Resources.

Learn more in the Mobile application user guide for Employees for further insights into downloading and accessing additional features.

2. Team Pulse

Team Pulse utilizes a series of thought-provoking questions to help admins gather real-time feedback and gain a better understanding of their employees.

Navigate to Apps > Team Pulse.

Besides the My Pulse and My Entire Team tabs, you can view the My Org tab, which displays a list of all employees.


  • The My Entire Team tab includes your direct reports and the secondary team if you have them.
  • The My Org tab includes all employees of the organization.

Click the Search Search-2 Icon at the top right to search for employees by name. 

Click the Filter Icon to filter the employees based on their

  • Response status, like review pending, yet to submit, submission missed, and reviewed.
  • Department, Business Units, and Locations.

You can view the employees’ status as Waiting if they have not submitted their responses.

You can perform the following actions:

  • View employees’ responses and managers’ reviews.
  • View the response history for each question.
  • Add comments, if required, to initiate a conversation on each question.
  • Download individual question responses.

Navigate to Apps > Team Pulse > My Org.

Click the Period drop-down and select a period to view their responses.

After your employees submit their responses, you can submit your review.

Select the employee whose status is Review Pending.


You can view employee responses and their manager's review for each question.

Review the response and click Mark as Reviewed.

Note: The responses to the private and anonymous questions are not visible on the mobile application.


You can view the history of each question with the employee’s response and the manager’s review.

Click View History at the top of a question.

Each question has a Comment option, where you can initiate a conversation about the particular question.

Click Comment to initiate a conversation, type your comment, and click the Send send (1)-1 Icon.

You can download the response for reference.

Click the Download Icon at the top right to download the report.


3. Growth

The Growth module empowers you to optimize talent management processes, drive employee development and engagement, and contribute to the organization's success.

Navigate to Apps > Growth.

Besides the My IDP and My Entire Team tabs, you can view the My Org tab, which displays a list of employees.

Click the Search Search-2 Icon at the top right to search for employees by name.

You can perform the following actions for all employees:

  • Create IDPs.
  • Add milestones to the IDP.
  • Add texts, resources, and attachments to the milestones.

Note: You can edit and delete IDPs only if you have created them for the employees.

Navigate to Apps > Growth > My Org.

Select an employee, click the Add Icon at the top, type the necessary details, and click Save.

You can view a list of IDPs of the employee if they have created them.

Click the Filter Filters-1 Icon at the top to filter the IDPs based on their status, like, Not Started, Active, On Hold, and Completed.

Click the Search Search-2 Icon at the top right to search the IDP of a particular employee.

You can share feedback and praise on the IDP progress of the employees.

Besides the employee’s name,

  • Click the Praise Icon to publicly praise the employee.
  • Click the Share Feedback Icon to share feedback on Social.


The employees receive notification when you launch a career aspiration survey within the organization. You can view employee’s responses to it.

Click Career Aspirations.

You receive an in-app notification in the Engagedly mobile application when your team members edit their responses to the Role Satisfaction question.

Click View History on any question to view the history of responses for that particular question.


Click the Overflow Overflow Menu-Oct-11-2023-07-43-45-1628-AM Menu on IDP and select Add Milestones, Mark as Complete, or Put on Hold as required.


4. Resources

Resources serve as a document repository for storing, organizing, and accessing various documents in an organization. It gives you an efficient way to view and download them on your mobile. You can view files in the grid and list view.

You can add files and folders into Resources and also add files into their respective folders. You can select files from your mobile gallery to upload into Resources or any particular folder. Learn more in Resources.

Navigate to Apps > Resources.

Click the Add Icon at the top, and select Add file or Add folder as required.


You can rename or delete the files or folders if required.

Click the Overflow Overflow Menu-Oct-11-2023-07-43-45-1628-AM Menu on any file or folder and select Rename or Delete as required.

You can sort the files and folders alphabetically, in reverse, or based on the date.

Note: All employees can view the files and folders in Resources as you sort them.

You can download the mobile application for a seamless journey to a more connected and streamlined work experience.