Create and manage IDP for team members

Managers can create IDPs that help employees identify their professional plans, measure their current skills and competencies, and outline a roadmap for their career development.

You can create IDPs for employees, view their talent profiles, and manage IDPs if required.

Navigate to Growth on the left pane and click My Team.

Create IDP

You can select the employees based on their team.

  1. Click the Filter Sort Icon Icon on the left pane and select the team as required.
  2. Select an employee on the left pane and click Create IDP at the top right.

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  3.   Type the title and description of the development plan.

You can click the Marissa AI Icon to create the description.

  4.   Set the start and end dates.

  5.   Select skills and competencies, and click Save.

Note: You can view the Skills and Competencies fields if the admin configures them in the settings.

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View talent profile

You can view your team members' talent profiles while creating an IDP, which ensures that the development plan is customized to their strengths, areas for improvement, and career aspirations, fostering their growth and success within the organization.

On the right side, click View Talent Profile below the employee name.

Manage IDP

After creating IDPs for team members, you can manage them if required.

Click the Overflow Overflow Menu-Nov-20-2023-05-10-31-0841-AM Menu on an IDP and select the option as required.

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  • You cannot perform the following actions for the IDPs that you have not created:
    • Mark as complete
    • Edit IDP
    • Put on hold
    • Delete IDP

However, you can edit and delete the IDPs only if the admin configures the settings.

  • After marking the IDP as completed, you can make the IDP active again and add milestones if required.
  • After putting the IDP on hold, you can resume it by following the same procedure.

      You can also manage IDPs in another way.

      After navigation, click an IDP that you want to manage, click the Overflow Overflow Menu-Nov-20-2023-05-10-31-0841-AM Menu at the top, and select the option as required. 

      After creating the IDP, you can add it to the meeting if required. Learn more in Add IDP to the meeting.