Create and manage baseline

Admins can create and manage a baseline, which is used to compare the responses and derive the heat map.

A baseline is the established standard used for comparing engagement survey responses. Admins can set scores for a baseline to compare the responses and measure the effectiveness of employee engagement initiatives.

There are two types of baselines.

  • Cycle period baseline: It is also called This Survey It represents each question with an associated baseline marked by a favorable score. It is generated automatically based on responses to a particular question from previous assignments throughout the cycle period.
  • Custom baseline: You can create a baseline and customize it as required to compare the responses.

Create baseline

In each tile, you can create a baseline.

Navigate to Surveys and click the Surveys tab.

  1. Select Authored by You from the drop-down.
  2. Click the engagement survey where you want to create the baseline.
  3. In the Assignments tab, click Analytics on an assignment.
  4. Click the drop-down in the Baseline field and click Create Baseline.

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  5.   Type the baseline title.

  6.   Enter the favorability scores for each question and click CREATE.

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The system auto-generates

  • Overall score for all sections.
  • Average of each section based on the scores you set for each question.
You can view and compare the responses by selecting the cycle period baseline (This Survey) or the custom baseline (the one you created).

Manage baseline

You can manage the baselines that you create.

  4.   Follow steps 1, 2, and 3.

  5.   Click the drop-down in the Baseline field.

  6.   Click the Edit edit grey-2 and Delete Delete Grey icons as required.

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The system calculates the heat map using the baseline as a reference score.