Manage performance review cycle

After creating a cycle, HR or admins can manage it if required. Any changes you make to the cycle will reflect immediately.

Navigate to Performance > Cycles.

Click the Overflow Overflow Menu-Oct-11-2023-07-43-45-1628-AM Menu on the cycle you want to manage.

You can:

  • Click Edit to modify the workflow configuration in the existing cycle.

Note: The changes will not affect the cycle for employees already added.

  • Click Make a Copy to duplicate the cycle configurations. This feature enables you to quickly create another cycle by copying the existing cycle and changing its date.
  • Click Add Employees to add additional employees to the cycle who are eligible for the review process.
  • Click Manage Visibility to restrict the visibility of a cycle for employees with permissions.
Select and select employees with permissions to make the cycle visible only to them.

Note: If you assign a role to any employees to manage the performance cycle, they can view and manage all performance cycles by default. However, you can restrict the visibility of any cycle for the employees with manage permissions.

  • Click Visible to All to remove the visibility restriction of a cycle for the employees with permissions.

Note: The Visible to All option is available only when you manage the visibility.

  • Click Archive to hide non-active or completed reviews.

After creating the cycle, you can add the employees to it.