Manage activities

Managers can view the activities of their direct reports who are involved in the 360 Feedback review cycle.

Navigate to Teams > 360 Feedback.

  • In the ACTIVITY section, click VIEW ALL to see the list of 360 Feedback cycles.

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Nominate Respondents

You can nominate the respondents only if the HR/admins enable permission while creating a cycle. You can also remove the respondents from the cycle. 

Add Respondents 

You can add respondents to give feedback to your direct reports.

Click Add, select the respondents, and click SAVE.

Remove Respondents

You can remove respondents of your direct reports from the cycle.

Note: If you remove respondents from the cycle, their feedback progress is no longer available.

Hover over any respondent's name and click the Close Close Icon.

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Manage Cycle

You can manage and perform the following actions:

Assign and unassign templates 

You can assign and unassign templates to your direct reports in the Manage section only if the HR/admins enable permission while creating a cycle.

  • Click the Overflow Overflow Menu-Nov-20-2023-05-10-31-0841-AM Menu and select Assign Template to assign for individual employees.
  • Click ACTIONS, select Assign, and select the employees to assign templates to multiple employees in bulk.

Unassign templates

  • Click the Overflow Overflow Menu-Nov-20-2023-05-10-31-0841-AM Menu and select Unassign Template to unassign for individual employees.
  • Click ACTIONS, select Unassign, and select the employees to unassign templates to multiple employees in bulk.

Lock and unlock feedback

You can lock and unlock your direct reports' feedback. When the feedback is locked, the respondents cannot submit the pending feedback and/or edit the submitted feedback.

  • Click the Overflow Overflow Menu-Nov-20-2023-05-10-31-0841-AM Menu and select Lock Feedback to lock individual employee’s feedback.
  • Click ACTIONS, select Lock, and select the employees to lock multiple employees’ feedback in bulk.

Unlock feedback

  • Click the Overflow Overflow Menu-Nov-20-2023-05-10-31-0841-AM Menu and select Unlock Feedback to unlock individual employee’s feedback.
  • Click ACTIONS, select Unlock, and select the locked feedback to unlock multiple employees' feedback in bulk.

Nudge respondents

Nudging respondents send them a reminder notification to submit their feedback. Learn more in Nudge Reviewers.

Export users

You can export the 360 Feedback cycle information about your direct reports.

Click ACTIONS and select All Users to download the cycle information for all employees. 


Select Choose to export the cycle information for selected employees.

Manage respondents

Click the Drop-down beside the employee’s name and click the Overflow Overflow Menu-Nov-20-2023-05-10-31-0841-AM Menu on the respondent you want to manage.

You can:

  • Select Remove Respondents to remove the respondent from giving the feedback.
  • Select Nudge to send a reminder notification to submit their feedback.

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View hierarchy and submission status

Click the Overflow Overflow Menu-Nov-20-2023-05-10-31-0841-AM Menu and select:

  • Show Hierarchy View to view all the direct reports that are added and not added to the cycle. You can also view each employee's feedback response status and number of respondents.
  • Show Submission Status to track the status of feedback responses of the cycle.

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