Team Pulse user guide for employees

Table of contents

1. Introduction

          1.1. How does it work

          1.2. User actions

2. Weekly pulse

          2.1. Submit weekly pulse

          2.2. Initiate conversation

3. Inbox

4. View and download responses

5. View reports

1. Introduction

Team Pulse, a powerful listening tool, utilizes a series of thought-provoking questions to help managers and leaders to gather real-time feedback and gain a better understanding of their employees.

Team Pulse empowers employees by providing a platform to voice their concerns, interact with managers, and feel valued and heard. It fosters your engagement, satisfaction, and positive transformation within your organization.

1.1. How does it work

  • You receive a notification to submit your team pulse.
  • You respond to the questions.
  • Your manager reviews your responses.
  • You can initiate a conversation, if you want to discuss your manager's review.

 1.2. User actions

You can perform the following actions in team pulse:

  • Submit team pulse responses
  • Edit team pulse responses
  • View and download team pulse responses
  • View reports

Once team pulse is assigned, on the start day and time, you receive in-app and email notifications and pending actions on the home page. Learn more in Notifications in Team Pulse.

2. Weekly pulse

In the Weekly Pulse tab, you can view the questions received with the pulse period and submission date.

2.1. Submit weekly pulse

You have to submit the responses within the due date. You can edit your responses till the pulse response period is over. Learn more in Submit team pulse responses.

Note: You must answer all the questions.

2.2. Initiate conversation

You can view your manager’s reviews for your responses and initiate a conversation by adding comments to any question if you want to discuss your manager’s review.

Navigate to Team Pulse > Weekly Pulse.

Click View History on a question that your manager has reviewed and in the Response History window, click . Learn more in Initiate a conversation in team pulse.

3. Inbox

The inbox includes all the conversations that you are a part of, which helps streamline communication and makes it easier for you to stay informed and collaborate effectively. You receive inbox notifications when the admins and your manager comment on your responses.

Navigate to Team Pulse > Inbox.

The inbox offers additional features to enhance your experience. You can:

  • add comments
  • add participants to the conversation
  • view all the comments that admins and managers add to the responses for a particular question
  • search the conversation based on the questions and particular employees
  • filter the conversations based on read and unread comments
  • add the conversations to your favorites list

Learn more in Inbox in team pulse.

4. View and download responses

You can view and download your responses in PDF and Excel formats.

Navigate to Team Pulse > Weekly Pulse.

  • Download your weekly pulse response based on the period.
  • Download all your responses for the particular question.

Learn more in View and download team pulse responses.

5. View Reports

Navigate to Team Pulse > Weekly Pulse.

You can click Reports to view the Response and Review Rate of your submissions and your manager’s review.

Note: You get an email notification when your manager or admin nudge you to submit your response.

Regularly responding to team pulse empowers you by strengthening your communication with leaders, providing the admin with valuable insights to identify strengths, weaknesses and develop improvement strategies, leading the organization toward greater success and productivity.