360 feedback user guide for employees

Table of contents

1. Introduction

          1.1. How does it Work

          1.2. User Actions

2. Nominate Reviewers

3. Manage Activities

4. View and export the received feedback report

1. Introduction

Engagedly's 360 Feedback is a system where employees get feedback from their managers and multiple stakeholders, both within and outside the organization. This comprehensive feedback helps individuals understand their strengths and areas for improvement from different perspectives and set meaningful goals.

Note: All the respondents/reviewers involved in the feedback process have a working relationship with the employee being rated.

1.1. How does it Work

    • You receive notifications to submit a review about others (if the HR/admins add you as a reviewer).
    • You can also self-nominate to provide feedback about yourself and/or others (if the HR/admins enable permission).
    • You submit your review about others and/or yourself.
    • You receive notifications after the 360 Feedback cycle ends.
    • You can view and export the 360 Feedback report.

1.2. User Actions

You can perform the following actions in 360 Feedback:

  • Submit a review
  • View the review ratings

If the HR/admins give you access, you can

  • Invite additional reviewers.
  • View the review comments.

2. Nominate Reviewers

You can nominate reviewers and perform the following actions:

  • Add respondents
  • Add external respondents
  • Remove respondents

Note: You can nominate reviewers only if HR/admins enable the permission while creating a cycle. Learn more in Manage Alerts.

3. Manage Activities

You can view the 360 Feedback review cycle activities and perform the following actions:

  • Nominate yourself as a respondent
  • Nominate other respondents
  • Submit Feedback

Learn more in Manage Activities.

4. View and export the received feedback report

You can view and export the 360 Feedback reports other employees give about you. You can view your blindspots, ratings, and comments in the report and set goals to improve them to achieve goals.

Note: You can view the reviewers' comments only if the HR/admins enable the permission while creating a cycle. Learn more in Manage Activities.

Learn more in the glossary to better understand the key terms of 360 Feedback.