Create learning path

By default, anyone in the organization can create the learning path. However, the admins can manage it. Learn more in the LXP user guide for admins.

For Engagedly V1, navigate to Learning from the top.


For Engagedly V2, navigate to Apps on the left pane and select Learning.


Authors can create a learning path from scratch and customize it as required.
  1. At the top right, click Manage Resources, and then click Add.
  2. Select Create Learning path.
Create and manage learning path1

  3.   Type the learning path title.

Note: The Marissa Marissa 5@2x (2) icon appears only after you type the title.

If required, you can

  • Upload the cover photo for the learning path.
  • Click the Marissa Marissa 5@2x (2) Icon to generate a description, or type it manually.

  4.   Click Save.

Create and manage learning path2

The learning path is successfully created. You are redirected to the learning path edit page, where you can manage content in the Content tab and configure settings in the Configure tab.

In the Content tab, you can perform the following actions:

  • Edit the author.
  • Add a co-author.
  • Specify the language and level.
  • Add sections and courses.
  • Publish the learning path.

Note: You can add co-authors for those who have the learning manager's permission. Learn more in the LXP user guide for admins.

All fields are in-line edits. Click a field to make the necessary changes.

Create and manage learning path3

In the Configure tab, you can perform the following actions:

  • Learner outcomes
  • Category path, skills, competencies, and tags

Note: You can view the categories, skills, competencies, and tags that are added to your organization.

  • In the Completion Behavior field, select Randomly or Sequentially, allowing learners to complete the courses.

Create and manage learning path4

The changes are auto-saved.

After creating a learning path, you must add sections to it. You can add courses authored by you or others within each section. Learn more in Add and manage section and course to learning path.

Once sections and courses are added, you must publish the learning path and push it to the library. Learn more in Publish learning path.

After creating a learning path, you can manage it if required. Learn more in Manage learning path.