LXP user guide for admins

Table of contents

  1. Introduction
    1.1.   How does it work
    1.2.  User actions
  2. General settings
    2.1.  Roles and permissions
    2.2. Learning settings
    2.3. Author
  3. Add and manage learning category
  4. Add and manage tags
  5. Create and manage course
  6. Enable course validity, recurrence, and compliance
  7. Add and manage section and unit to course
  8. Add and manage questions in quiz
  9. Add and manage sessions in training
  10. Publish course
  11. Create and manage learning path
  12. Add and manage section and course to learning path
  13. Publish learning path
  14. Assign learning
  15. Add and manage authors
  16. Import courses, learners, and history
  17. Import courses from integrated applications
  18. Manage learners
  19. Track learners progress
  20. Evaluate learners
  21. View employees learning analytics
  22. Export learners reports
  23. Automate learning

1. Introduction

Engagedly's Learning Experience Platform (LXP) is a comprehensive platform designed to facilitate continuous learning and skill development within organizations. It offers a dynamic and user-friendly interface for admins. They can create and customize learnings, access and assign learnings, and track learners’ progress towards professional development.

You can efficiently manage learning initiatives within the organization in a single platform, including

  • Create and customize courses and learning paths.
  • Import courses from Engagedly Academy or other learning applications.
  • Assign learning to the employees and manage them.
  • Track learners' progress and nudge them to complete learning.
  • View and export reports.
  • Automate learning.

1.1. How does it work

  1. You create learnings and add sections and units to it.
  2. Publish learnings and make them available in the library.
  3. Assign learnings to employees.
  4. Employees receive notifications about assigned learnigs and start taking them.
  5. Track learners' progress.
  6. Nudge learners' to complete the learnings.
  7. Export learners' reports.

1.2. User actions

You can

  1. Create courses and learning paths.
  2. Assign available learning to learners.
  3. Manage learnings and learners
  4. Track learners' progress.
  5. Evaluate learners.
  6. Export learners' reports.

2. General settings

2.1. Roles and permissions

You can assign the learning manager role to anyone in the organization who can

Learn more in the Overview of user management.

The author can add admins and learning managers as co-authors.

2.2. Learning settings

By default, anyone in the organization can create a course and learning path. However, you can manage it.

Navigate to Settings > Learning > Settings.

Enable the option Disable Course Creation for Everyone and click SAVE.

Note: If you disable this option, the author can add anyone in the organization as co-authors to the course and learning path.

2.3. Author

The one who has permission to create learning is called an author who can

  • Create and manage learning.
  • Add other admins and learning managers as co-authors.

The co-authors have the same abilities as the authors. Learn more in Add and manage authors.

Note: The author cannot add the employees as co-authors who

  • Does not have the learning manager's permission.
  • Cannot create learnings.

If the admin gives permission to employees to create learning who do not have the learning manager’s permission, they will have restricted access to the learning that they create.

Authors, without the learning manager’s permission, can

  • Create learning
  • Manage learning
  • Publish learning
  • Push to library
  • Manage authors
  • Remove learners
  • Nudge learners
  • Edit due date (if the course is non-compliance)
  • Track learners’ progress
  • Evaluate learners (if evaluation is enabled)
  • Reset learners’ progress
  • View and export reports

However, they cannot assign learning.

Note: Consider the admin as an author to understand all actions of an author with the learning manager’s permission.

3. Add and manage learning category

You can add categories to categorize the relevant courses and learning paths and manage them. You can add and manage them in two ways. Learn more in Add and manage learning category.

4. Add and manage tags

You can add tags to label the keywords associated with courses and learning paths and manage them. You can add and manage them in two ways. Learn more in Add and manage tags.

5. Create and manage course

You can create courses from scratch or utilize the existing courses and customize them to meet your requirements. Learn more in Create course.

Note: Any employee can create courses if admins give them permission. However, only admins and learning managers can create learning paths or import learnings.

After creating a course, you are redirected to the course edit page, where you can 

manage the course content in the Content tab and configure course settings in the

Configure tab.

In the Content tab, you can perform the following actions:

All fields are in-line edits. Click a field to make the necessary changes.

In the Configure tab, you can perform the following actions:

  • Add Learner outcomes.
  • Add category path, skills, competencies, and tags.

Note: You can view the categories, skills, competencies, and tags that are added to your organization.

  • Customize course completion behavior.

The changes are auto-saved.

On the course details page, you can view the Info tab after creating a course and the Learners and Insights tabs after publishing it.

Note: If you are an author or a co-author, you can view all tabs. If you are an admin and not an author, you can view the Info and Learners tabs only.

In the Info tab, you can

In the Learners tab, you can

Nudge and remove learners, import learners, reset their progress, and export their recurrence history. Learn more in Manage learners.

Note: You can reset progress for individual or multiple learners. However, if you reset, they will lose their progress.

  • View learners' details with a comprehensive status of their progress.
  • View compliance status, scores, and course completion information.

In the Insights tab, you can view

  • Estimated time and the average time the learner spends to complete a course.
  • Number of units and the average time the learner spends to complete the units.
  • Total enrollments include both assigned courses and self-enrollments.
  • Learners’ progress, including their completion status.
  • Quiz outcomes and training session metrics (if quiz and training session units are added to a course).
  • Learners’ compliant status and the course rating distribution (if compliance and ratings are enabled for a course).

After creating a course, you can manage it if required. Learn more in Manage course.

6. Enable course validity, recurrence, and compliance

You can enable course validity, recurrence, and compliance, which are crucial features for managing and enhancing the effectiveness of courses. Course validity ensures that the content remains current and relevant over time. Recurrence automates course assignments at specified intervals, fostering ongoing learning among employees. Compliance ensures that employees complete mandatory training and adhere to regulatory and organizational standards, mitigating the risks associated with non-compliance. These features streamline administration and support continuous improvement in training outcomes. Learn more in Enable course validity, recurrence, and compliance.

7. Add and manage section and unit to course

After creating a course, you can add sections and units to it and manage it. Different types of units are available. You can add them as per your requirements. Adding sections and units is necessary to effectively organize the course content and provide a structured learning experience for learners. Learn more in Add and manage section and unit to course.

After adding sections and units, you can preview the course.

Note: You can add sections and units to a course that is authored by you.

8. Add and manage questions in quiz

After creating a course, you must add sections and units to it. If a quiz unit is added, they must add questions to it and manage them if required.

You can include questions with single or multiple correct answers to evaluate the learner's knowledge. They can also provide explanations for correct answers after learners attempt the quiz. It enables learners to assess their performance and improve their understanding of the topic. Learn more in Add and manage questions in quiz.

You can view learners’ responses in a quiz and reset the failed quiz if required. Learn more in View quiz responses and reset quiz.

Note: If you reset the failed quiz, it deletes the failed attempts of all learners.

9. Add and manage sessions in training

After creating a course, you must add sections and units to it. If you add an instructor training unit, you must also add sessions to it and manage them if required. Learn more in Add and manage sessions in training.

After adding a session to the training, you can add attendees to it and manage them by changing their status and unregistering them. Learn more in Add and manage attendees in training.

Note: You can add attendees to the training session in a course that is authored by you.

10. Publish course

After adding sections and units to the course, authors must publish it. Once published, they can push it to the library, choosing its visibility settings: make it available for everyone, specific groups, or keep it private. This ensures the course effectively reaches the intended audience. Learn more in Publish course.

11. Create and manage learning path

You can create a learning path from scratch and customize it as required.

After creating a learning path, you are redirected to the learning path edit page, where you can manage the learning path content in the Content tab and configure learning path settings in the Configure tab.

In the Content tab, you can perform the following actions:

All fields are in-line edits. Click a field to make the necessary changes.

In the Configure tab, you can perform the following action:

  • Learner outcomes
  • Category path, skills, competencies, and tags

Note: You can view the categories, skills, competencies, and tags that are added to your organization.

  • In the Completion Behavior field, select Randomly or Sequentially, allowing learners to complete the courses.

The changes are auto-saved.

On the learning path details page, you can view the Info tab after creating a learning path and the Learners and Insights tabs after publishing it.

Note: If you are an author or a co-author, you can view all tabs. If you are an admin and not an author, you can view the Info and Learners tabs only.

In the Info tab, you can

In the Learners tab, you can

Note: You can reset progress for individual or multiple learners. However, if you reset, they will lose their progress.

  • View learners details with a comprehensive status of their progress.
  • View compliance status, scores, and course completion information.

In the Insights tab, you can view

  • Estimated time and the average time the learner spends to complete the learning path.
  • Number of courses and the average time the learner spends to complete a course.
  • Total enrollments include both assigned learning paths and self-enrollments.
  • Learners’ progress, including their completion status.
  • Course-wise statistics of the learning path.

After creating a learning path, you can manage it if required. Learn more in Manage learning path.

12. Add and manage section and course to learning path

After creating a learning path, you must add sections to it. Within a section, you can add courses authored by you or others. After adding sections and courses, you can manage them if required.

After adding sections and courses to a learning path, you must publish them. Learn more in Add and manage section and course to learning path.

13. Publish learning path

After adding sections and courses to a learning path, authors must publish it. Once published, they can push it to the library, choosing its visibility settings: make it available for everyone, specific groups, or keep it private. This ensures the learning path effectively reaches the intended audience. Learn more in Publish learning path.

14. Assign learning

You can assign courses to learners after publishing them, selecting members and groups as required. While assigning, you can set the due date for a course, edit the due date, or remove it at any time. You can also mark the assignment as mandatory, making it a required training that learners must complete. Learn more in Assign learning.

15. Add and manage authors

You can add employees with the learning manager’s permission as authors and co-authors to the course and learning path and manage them.

If you are not an author or a co-author, you can add yourself to either role.

Learn more in Add and manage authors.

16. Import courses, learners, and history

You can import courses and learners in bulk. This saves time and effort, reduces errors, and allows for the quick addition of multiple courses and learners into the learning module. This streamlines the process and ensures a more organized learning experience.

You can also import the history of the following:

  • Imported courses
  • Imported learners into a course
  • Imported learners into a learning path

Learn more in Import courses, learners, and history.

17. Import courses from integrated applications

You can import courses from Engagedly Academy or other learning applications, such as Go1, Open Sesame, and Biz Libray if your organization has integrated with them. The Engagedly Academy offers a range of courses designed to empower learners with valuable knowledge and skills. You can import the courses and assign them to the learners, tailoring them to meet their needs and enhance their professional development. Learn more in Import courses from integrated applications.

18. Manage learners

You can manage learners in a course by:

  • Removing learners from the learning.
  • Nudging learners to complete the learning.
  • Resetting learners’ progress in learning.
  • Viewing learners’ recurrence history, compliance history, or both.

Learn more in Manage learners.

19. Track learners’ progress

You can view the learners’ Learning activity, track their progress, and access a comprehensive statistical overview through the dashboard. It offers insights into learners’ engagement and progress, allowing you to track individual learner’s outcomes effectively. You can elevate learners’ engagement by exploring new learnings and assigning them to the learners. Learn more in Track learner’s progress.

20. Evaluate learners

You can evaluate the learners based on their progress in the course and learning path. Evaluation is necessary to assess the learners’ understanding of the learning material, provide feedback on their progress, and ensure they meet the learning objectives. It also encourages them to actively engage with the learning material and master it.

Note: Only authors and co-authors can evaluate learners.

If you enable the After manual evaluation option during course creation, the Evaluation Status and Scores fields appear in the Learners tab, where you can evaluate learners based on their pass or fail status and provide them with scores. Learn more in Evaluate learners.

21. View employees learning analytics

You can view the learning analytics of all employees on the dashboard, which provides a visual representation of courses, learning paths, and learners’ statistics. Learn more in View employees learning analytics.

22. Export learners reports

On the dashboard, you can export reports for courses, learning paths, learner reviews, unit completions, and the recurrence history of all employees. The visuals are interactive, allowing you to click the respective charts and export them. 

You can also export reports

  • From different fields on the dashboard
  • For a particular learning

Learn more in Export learners reports.

23. Automate learning

You can use automation to trigger workflows within the organization, initiating a series of automated actions based on specific conditions you set. Learn more in Add and manage automation workflow.

You can automate workflows to assign courses and learning paths to employees. The system automatically assigns learnings to employees based on specified trigger points, conditions, and actions. Learn more in Automate learning.

The user guide equips admins with the knowledge to maximize learning and development opportunities within the organization. It offers clear instructions on accessing resources, tracking learners’ progress, and engaging them in various learning activities.

The LXP module benefits admins by enabling customization of compliance learning, providing comprehensive analytics, facilitating automation, and fostering a culture of continuous development within the organization.

Learn more in the glossary to understand the key terms of LXP.