Manage assignments

After creating assignments in surveys, authors can manage them.

Navigate to Surveys and click the Surveys tab.

In the Assignments tab, click the Overflow Overflow Menu-Nov-20-2023-05-10-31-0841-AM Menu on an assignment to perform the following actions:

  • Click Edit to modify the assignment.
  • Click Respondents to add or remove the respondents.
    Learn more in Manage respondents.
  • Click Recurrence to schedule the recurrence for the assignment, such as Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Bi-Annually, Annually, and Custom as required.
    Learn more in Surveys user guide for admins.

Note: Once the assignments recur, they will appear below the parent assignment with automatic numbering.

  • Click Close to end the assignment.

After closing an assignment, you can view its status as ENDED, indicating that response collection has stopped.

Note: Closing the assignment disrupts the associated workflows.

After closing an assignment, you can view the Open option in the overflow menu.

  • Click Open to open the closed assignment anytime, which removes its end date and makes it available for the respondents. Once you open the assignment, you can view its status as ACTIVE.
  • Click Delete to delete an assignment.

Note: If you delete an assignment,

  • The respondents cannot access it.
  • It removes the collected responses.

Manage assignments1

The above options apply to all four assignment types. However, for the Post the Survey on Social and Generate a Public URL assignment types, you have additional options:

  • Post the Survey on Social: Click Share to share the assignment with respondents.
  • Generate a Public URL: Click Copy URL to copy and share the assignment with anyone inside or outside the organization.

After managing an assignment, you can share the surveys with respondents.