Suggestions user guide for admins

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

          1.1 How does it work

          1.2 User Actions

2. Configuration Settings

          2.1 Suggestion Box

3. Manage Suggestions

          3.1 View Suggestions

          3.2 Invite participants to the Suggestion

          3.3 Export the Suggestions list

          3.4 Make Suggestions active or archived

1. Introduction

Suggestions are the approach that bridges the gap between management and employee satisfaction. The suggestions can come from anyone in the organization who has smart ideas to make the organization better. These ideas are like a roadmap for making positive changes.

1.1 How does it Work

  1. Employees share Suggestions.
  2. You can view the Suggestions and respond to them.
  3. You can discuss with other participants by inviting them.

1.2 User Actions

You can perform the following actions in Suggestions:

  • Configure settings
  • Manage Suggestions

2. Configuration Settings

You can manage the following feature under admin settings:

  • Suggestion Box

2.1 Suggestion Box

The Suggestion box anonymity allows the employees to submit suggestions anonymously, ensuring they remain confidential. Learn more in Configure settings.

Navigate to Settings > Suggestion Box.

3. Manage Suggestions

You can manage the following activities:

  • View Suggestions
  • Invite participants to the Suggestion
  • Export the Suggestions list
  • Make Suggestions active or archived

Navigate to Admin > Suggestions.

3.1 View Suggestions

You can view all the Suggestions shared by the employees in the organization. Learn more in Share and view activities of a Suggestion.

3.2 Invite participants to the Suggestion

You can invite participants to discuss the Suggestions made by other participants. Learn more in Share and view activities of a Suggestion.

3.3 Export the Suggestions list

You can view and export the Suggestions list with all the details of employee data. Learn more in View and export the Suggestions.

3.4 Make Suggestions active or archived

You can make a Suggestion as archived when you've solved it, and if it is still not fixed, you can change it back to active. Learn more in View and change the status of shared Suggestions.